Monday, 28 March 2011


OWT 5 is now available online and in Magma. I suppose my view is hardly unbiased and I'm only ever going to say nice things about OWT but this issue really is a corker.

The cover and the envelope the issue comes packaged in are silk screened with illustrations from Daren Newman/ Me & My Pen, the centre spread has a lovely shot from Igor Termenon, printed in full colour (a first for OWT) and as much as it may hurt me to do so I'll even give Jon Hannan some props as his spread is really nice and cleverly done with acetate inserts. There are also colour screen prints on work from Kat Currie and Mandi Goodier. 

Twenty one people featured in OWT 5, the highest amount so far. Good times.


  1. nice!just ordered it on Sunday, can't wait to see it.


  2. Thanks for your submission Igor, your images work great in the centre spread and start and end the zine perfectly. Lovely shots
